The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of May 10, 2024

Mother-and-Child? Vessel

Mother-and-Child? Vessel

1–700 CE
Location: 232 Andean

Did You Know?

Recuay ceramics typically use only three colors: black, white, and red.


Well-dressed, important women like this one are depicted fairly often in Recuay art. These women hold a variety of things, ranging from cups that may refer to feasts held on important political occasions to small figures commonly interpreted as children, as here. These and other representations have led scholars to suggest that Recuay women held authority independent of their male partners; their authority may have stemmed in part from involvement in feasting celebrations.
  • {{cite web|title=Mother-and-Child? Vessel|url=false|author=|year=1–700 CE|access-date=10 May 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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