The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of May 3, 2024

Feline Pendant

Feline Pendant


Did You Know?

In the Panama-Costa Rica region gold ornaments were associated with political and religious authority.


This memorable jaguar pendant is a nasty precious—nasty because it holds a severed limb (probably human) in its fanged mouth but precious due to its material, its well-polished silky surface, and the charming rendering, which reduces the jaguar to cartoon-like essentials. The warm, rosy color is the result of copper in the alloy.
  • Cleveland Museum of Art. Museum Masters: 2016-17 Companion Guide. [Cleveland, Ohio]: Cleveland Museum of Art, 2016. Mentioned and Reproduced: P. 83
  • {{cite web|title=Feline Pendant|url=false|author=|year=1000–1550|access-date=03 May 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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