Artwork Page for Torso of Apollo

Details / Information for Torso of Apollo

Torso of Apollo

c. 100–200 CE
Overall: 90 cm (35 7/16 in.)
Location: not on view
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

Apollo received his lyre from Hermes, who invented it.


This ancient statue depicts the Greek god Apollo, identified by his youthful body and the fragmentary remains of his kithara, a type of lyre (or stringed instrument) used by poets and musicians in ancient Greece. Both the kithara, decorated with griffins, and the swan upon which it rests (atop a triangular column), signify Apollo’s roles as the god of music and leader of the Muses. Beloved by the Muses for their song, swans were considered sacred to Apollo because he gave them the gift of prophecy. Swans sing a glorious song before they die, knowing they will soon return to Apollo to be reborn.
Torso of Apollo

Torso of Apollo

c. 100–200 CE

Italy, Roman

See Also

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