Portrait of a Family Playing Music

(Dutch, 1629–1684)
Framed: 124.5 x 142.5 x 7 cm (49 x 56 1/8 x 2 3/4 in.); Unframed: 98.7 x 116.7 cm (38 7/8 x 45 15/16 in.)
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Did You Know?

During this period, the Dutch Republic was the richest, most urbanized nation.


The identity of the sitters remains unknown, although the marble floor and mantelpiece, the Transylvanian prayer rug on the table, and the silk clothes all point to the family’s considerable wealth. Furthermore, the richly carved chest at the right supports Chinese vases and Japanese lacquered boxes, a reference to the flourishing Dutch trade with Asia. Music making often took place at home, and its appearance here also signifies the harmoniousness of the family.
Portrait of a Family Playing Music

Portrait of a Family Playing Music


Pieter de Hooch

(Dutch, 1629–1684)


Daily Life or Family Portrait?

Pieter de Hooch's Domestic Interior Paintings

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