Asian Art Society Virtual Talk: A Rediscovery of CMA’s Rubbings from the Longmen Caves: Conservation and Display

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Thursday, August 19, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
Rubbing of Imperial Procession with Empress, taken from Northern Wei Dynasty (386–534)

Rubbing of Imperial Procession with Empress, taken from Northern Wei Dynasty (386–534) Central Binyang Cave, Longmen, Henan Province (detail), 1910–16. China, Qing dynasty (1644–1911) or Republican period (1912–49). Rubbing, ink on paper; overall: 205.6 x 388.4 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of Yamanaka & Company, 1916.65

About The Event

Join presentations by Yi-Hsia Hsiao, associate conservator of Chinese paintings at the CMA, and Fletcher Coleman, assistant professor of art history at the University of Texas at Arlington, to hear the story of how the CMA rediscovered monumental Chinese ink rubbings from the caves of Longmen. After almost a century in storage these rubbings are featured in From Caves to Tombs: Chinese Pictorial Rubbings from Stone Reliefs, on view through November 14 in the Clara T. Rankin Galleries of Chinese Art (Gallery 240A).

Asian Art Society members will receive a digital invitation. This event will be hosted on Zoom; the event link and instructions will be provided to those who RSVP.

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