Chamber Music in the Galleries

Tags for: Chamber Music in the Galleries
  • Performance
Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Location:  217 Italian Baroque
Donna and James Reid Gallery
Gallery 217
Chamber Music in the Galleries

About The Event

We welcome the start of a new season of the popular chamber music concert series featuring young artists from the Cleveland Institute of Music and the joint program with Case Western Reserve University’s early and baroque music programs. Outstanding conservatory musicians present mixed repertoire ranging from the standard to unknown gems amid the museum’s collections for a unique and intimate experience. Free; no ticket required.


CWRU Baroque and Classical Chamber Ensembles
Julie Andrijeski, director

Alessandro Stradella (1643–82)
Excerpts from Oratorio La Susanna   
Freddo gelo e fiamma
Ancor' io d'amor fui colto
Belle fonte
Sinfonia a7
Collegata col potere

Performed by Sarah Coffman, Susanna; Nathan Dougherty and Daniel Fridley, Guidici I & II; Anna O’Connell, Daniele
Corinne Auger, Alan Choo, Addi Liu, and Guillermo Salas Suarez, violin
Maia Hoffman, viola; Matthew Gabriel and Jane Leggiero, cello;
Anna O’Connell, harp; Michael Quinn, harpsichord
Susan McClary, guest director

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–91)
String Quartet #1 in G Major K80/73f
1° Movement: Adagio

Performed by Corinne Auger and Gloria Parn, violin; Erlene Koh, viola; Matthew Gabriel, cello

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Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga (1806–26)
String Quartet no. 1 in D Minor   
4° Movement: Adagio – Allegretto

Performed by Alan Choo and Guillermo Salas Suarez, violin; Maia Hoffman, viola; Eva Lymenstull, cello


These programs made possible in part by the Ernest L. and Louise M. Gartner Fund, the P. J. McMyler Musical Endowment Fund, and the Anton and Rose Zverina Music Fund.

Series Sponsors  
Medical Mutual