Gallery Talk: Modern Design in the Jazz Age
- Lecture

Muse with Violin Screen (detail), c. 1930. Rose Iron Works, Inc. (American, Cleveland, est. 1904). Paul Fehér (Hungarian, 1898–1990), designer. Wrought iron, brass; silver and gold plating; 156.2 x 156.2 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, On Loan from the Rose Iron Works Collections, LLC, 352.1996. © Rose Iron Works Collections, LLC.
About The Event
Wednesday, December 6, 2017 6:00 p.m.
Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Hall
While simple shapes and minimal, yet recognizable, decoration spelled modern in the first half of the 1920s, a more geometric style of modernism in design took hold in the latter half of the decade. The use of bold geometric shapes from zigzags to spheres, which would become pervasive in the 1930s, reflected an overall trend toward pure form that had its root in the 1920s. As the Great Depression took hold, these new ideas became a staple of modernist design in the Thirties, moving from the factory into domestic interiors. In this final gallery talk of the series, curator of decorative art and design Stephen Harrison will explore innovation and modernity in Jazz Age design within the last two galleries of the exhibition.