From Girlhood to Womanhood: A Panel Discussion with Rania Matar

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  • Lecture
Friday, November 16, 2018, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Location: Transformer Station

About The Event

Lebanese-born American photographer Rania Matar uses portraits to examine female identity from adolescence to middle age, looking for the underlying similarities across cultures to find the beauty in our shared humanity. Currently on view at Transformer Station, In Her Image: Photographs by Rania Matar surveys four series by the artist. L’Enfant-Femme explores how girls on the cusp of puberty often adopt stereotypical personas derived from mass media when posing for the camera. The Becoming series depicts some of those girls three years later to chronicle their transition to womanhood. A Girl and Her Room portrays teens in their bedrooms, the personal space that best reflects their inner selves. Finally, the Unspoken Conversations series juxtaposes adolescent daughters and their middle-aged mothers to convey the complexity and universality of the mother-daughter relationship. Join us for an intimate discussion with the artist and local thought leaders to explore the complexities and universality of the mother-daughter relationship and womanhood. Featuring gallery activities and art-making experiences inspired by the artist and designed by the CMA’s Teen Co-Op. Free; registration required.