Mondrian’s Dress: Yves Saint Laurent, Piet Mondrian, and Pop Art

Tags for: Mondrian’s Dress: Yves Saint Laurent, Piet Mondrian, and Pop Art
  • Lecture
  • Affinity Group
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 4:00–5:00 p.m.
Location: Off-Site
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Free; Reservation Required

About The Event

Guest lecturer Ann Tartsinis, an art historian and curator from Oakland, California, visits the CMA to discuss the intersections between fashion, Piet Mondrian, and American Pop Art in relation to her research for the book she co-wrote with Nancy J. Troy, Mondrian’s Dress: Yves Saint Laurent, Piet Mondrian, and Pop Art. This scholarly volume closely examines how the style of Mondrian’s abstract paintings was posthumously appropriated by 1960s fashion, Pop Art, and consumer culture. 

For this event, members of the Contemporary Art Society are joined by the Textile Art Alliance. Eligible members receive an invitation via email.