Wet Felting Flowers | Flores de Fieltro Húmedas

with | con Emmy Osicka

Tags for: Wet Felting Flowers | Flores de Fieltro Húmedas
  • Workshop
  • Sold Out
Sunday, February 16, 2025, 1:00–3:00 p.m.
Location: Community Arts Center
Centro de Artes Comunitarias
Sold Out
Wet Felted Roses

Photo courtesy of the artist

About The Event

Join artist Emmy Osicka at the Community Arts Center to explore the technique of wet felting. Craft your very own felted flower. Wet felting involves wool roving, soap, and water to construct your desired shape. Scissors are used during this workshop. Young children require adult assistance and monitoring.  

Osicka has been felting since 2019 and loves how versatile and imaginative the process can be. Reserve your spot by emailing commartsinfo@clevelandart.org.  

Te invitamos al Centro de Artes Comunitarias con la artista Emmy Osicka para explorar la técnica del fieltro húmedo . Haz tu propia flor de fieltro. El fieltro húmedo involucra mecha de lana, jabón y agua para construir la forma deseada. Las tijeras se utilizan durante este taller. Los niños pequeños requieren la asistencia y el seguimiento de un adulto.  

Osicka lleva fieltrando desde 2019 y le encanta lo versátil e imaginativo que puede ser el proceso. Se requieren reservaciones por correo electrónico a commartsinfo@clevelandart.org.  

Community Arts Center | Centro de Artes Comunitarias

Explore community art making at the CAC! We are open every weekend to help families and individuals of all ages connect to art and expression.
The hand of a child painting.


The Community Arts Center was made possible with principal support from Chuck and Char Fowler and the Eric and Jane Nord Family Fund.

    All education programs at the Cleveland Museum of Art are underwritten by the CMA Fund for Education. Principal support is provided by Dieter and Susan M. Kaesgen. Major annual support is provided by Brenda and Marshall Brown, David and Robin Gunning, Eva and Rudolf Linnebach, Gail C. and Elliott L. Schlang, Shurtape Technologies, and the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation. Generous annual support is provided by an anonymous donor, Gini and Randy Barbato, the M. E. and F. J. Callahan Foundation, Dr. William A. Chilcote Jr. and Dr. Barbara S. Kaplan, Char and Chuck Fowler, the Giant Eagle Foundation, Robin Heiser, the late Marta and the late Donald M. Jack Jr., Bill and Joyce Litzler, the Logsdon Family Fund for Education, Sarah Nash, William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill, the Pickering Foundation, William Roj and Mary Lynn Durham, Betty T. and David M. Schneider, the Sally and Larry Sears Fund for Education Endowment, Roy Smith, Paula and Eugene Stevens, the Trilling Family Foundation, and the Womens Council of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

      The Cleveland Museum of Art is funded in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.

      Education programs are supported in part by the Ohio Arts Council, which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts.