- Gallery Rotation
Conversation about Diversity in Korean Embroidery Arts
Korea Foundation Gallery
Featured Art
About The Exhibition
Conversation about Diversity in Korean Embroidery Arts is co-organized with the Seoul Museum of Craft Art. This exhibition introduces a wide range of embroidery works of the Joseon period (1392−1910) including rank badges and multipanel folding screens, showcasing works made in partnership by both men and women among different social classes. The two embroidered folding screens on view—one with ten symbols of longevity and the other with geese on a riverbank—are outstanding examples of collaboration between both men and women and members of the working class and aristocracy, widely practiced toward the end of the 19th century. On the other hand, selected textile works such as rank badges and ceremonial attire introduce embroidered decoration as a significant medium to symbolize one’s sociopolitical status. This rotation compliments the exhibition Gold Needles: Embroidery Arts from Korea that celebrates Korean embroidered works of art created by women as tools of empowerment to overcome social and cultural restraints.