Tags for: Escaping to a Better World: Eccentrics and Immortals in Chinese Art
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Escaping to a Better World: Eccentrics and Immortals in Chinese Art

Friday, May 13–Sunday, November 6, 2022
Location:  240A Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy
Clara T. Rankin Suite of Chinese Art Galleries

About The Exhibition

In times of a pandemic, migration crises, and frequent natural and humanitarian disasters, the theme of “Escaping to a Better World” may resonate with many of us. In fact, this idea has long been part of China’s culture, embedded in the country’s religious and philosophical thinking. China’s legendary eccentrics and immortals often exhibit unconventional appearances and behaviors, expressing supernatural power and a rejection of everyday norms. By doing this, they embody the longing for an ideal world.

This installation presents paintings, porcelain, and metalwork, all mediums in which these popular figures and their stories were depicted throughout the ages, including today.