Cleveland Art, July/August 2014

Tags for: Cleveland Art, July/August 2014
  • Member Magazine
Published: July 1, 2014

In this issue of the members magazine: New Director; Yoga; Hodges Outdoor Sculpture; Stela Installation; Film; Performance; Education

Bronze statue of Yoga Narashimha, Vishnu in His Man-Lion Avatar from India with four arms in a yoga position with crossed legs on the magazine cover

Dürer’s Women

In addition to his work as a painter and draftsman, German artist Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) was an exceptionally gifted and prolific printmaker. He achieved an astonishing degree of naturalism in a medium that relied on the manipulation of black lines rather than color to achieve light, shadow, and...

Color and Meaning

In the summer of 2012 Jim Hodges discovered two boulders on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and envisioned using them to create a new monumental sculpture. A short time later, the Cleveland Museum of Art commissioned him to do just that. After two years of chiseling, fitting, and polishing the stones at a...

Remounting a Maya Monument

Remounting the Maya stela—a stone monument that towers nine feet tall—was one of the most ambitious projects that the objects conservators shouldered during the recent building expansion. When the museum acquired the stela in 1967, it comprised more than 40 fragments of varying sizes, none more than...

Previous installation of the stela in a hall outside the old Pre-Columbian gallery on the lower level of the 1916 building (currently the entrance to the Renaissance galleries)