Cleveland Art, September/October 2015
Tags for: Cleveland Art, September/October 2015
- Member Magazine
Published: August 25, 2015
In this issue of the members magazine: Painting the Modern Garden; Shadows and Dreams; Return on Investment; Fra Filippo Lippi’s Saints; Cleveland Goes to Bratislava
Shadows and Dreams
Photography was largely considered a commercial trade rather than an art form in the 19th century. Since a photograph was produced by a mechanical device—the camera—many people believed it was limited to a factual transcription of what fell before the lens and offered no opportunity for imagination...
Fra Filippo Lippi’s Saints
Preserved in the galleries of the Cleveland Museum of Art are two painted panels by one of the great masters of Renaissance Florence. They once formed a triptych with a large, now lost, central panel depicting the Adoration of the Christ Child. The triptych is well documented. It was commissioned by...