The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of May 5, 2024

Hat (laket)

Hat (laket)

early 1900s
Location: not on view


Titled Kuba men and prominent women wear the laket, a small ornate dome-shaped hat. An essential fashion item of adult men in good social standing, it focuses special attention on the head as a significant marker of individual identity, ethnic affiliation, status, and role in society. This prestige object is secured on the crown of the head with a nine-and-a-half-inch metal pin that pierces through the hat onto a clump of hair. The laket is made from raffia palm fiber coiled into threads and woven in two alternating patterns and contrasting light and dark (dyed) wefts. There are two examples of the laket: the plain type with the flat top, and the more elaborate type called the laket mishiing.
  • {{cite web|title=Hat (laket)|url=false|author=|year=early 1900s|access-date=05 May 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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