The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of February 8, 2025



Diameter: 1.1 cm (7/16 in.); Overall: 128.3 x 91.4 cm (50 1/2 x 36 in.)

Did You Know?

A hauberk might include as many as a quarter million steel rings.


A hauberk is a mail shirt that generally reached to the knee and was the predominant form of metal body defense throughout Europe until about 1350. Knights wore mail over a padded undergarment known as an aketon and would have been supplemented by a metal helmet and a shield. After the development of full plate armor, mail continued to be a linking element or accessory well into the 1500s.
  • ?-1916
    Frank Gair Macomber (1849-1941), Boston, MA, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art
    The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
  • Gilchrist, Helen Ives. A Catalogue of the Collection of Arms & Armor Presented to the Cleveland Museum of Art by Mr. and Mrs. John Long Severance; 1916-1923. Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1924. Mentioned: p. 79, D8
    Fliegel, Stephen N. Arms and Armor: The Cleveland Museum of Art. [Cleveland, Ohio]: The Museum, 1998. p. 36, 166, ; cat. no. 87
    Noel, William, and Daniel H. Weiss. The Book of Kings: Art, War, and the Morgan Library's Medieval Picture Bible. Baltimore: The Walters Art Museum, 2002. p. 86, cat. no. 27, fig. 2
    Fliegel, Stephen N. Arms & Armor: The Cleveland Museum of Art. [Cleveland, Ohio]: Cleveland Museum of Art, 2007. p. 186, cat. no. 87
  • The Book of Kings: Art, War and the Morgan Library's Medieval Picture Bible. The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD (organizer) (October 27-December 29, 2002).
    Armor Court Reinstallation. The Cleveland Museum of Art (organizer).
  • {{cite web|title=Hauberk|url=false|author=|year=1400s|access-date=08 February 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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