The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of February 8, 2025

Cloth with Border of Peacocks and Vegetation

Cloth with Border of Peacocks and Vegetation

17th-18th century
Location: not on view

Did You Know?

Based on the ancient belief that the peacock’s flesh never decayed, they became a symbol of immortality and the Resurrection of Christ.


This large cloth shows a repeated pattern of confronted peacocks flanked by decorative motifs. More birds appear in the register above, and a pattern of four-legged animals is in the register below.
  • Ricci, Elisa. Old Italian Lace. 1913. v. 1 no. 98
    Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The Annette Finnigan Collection of Laces. [Houston]: [Biggers printing Company], 1940. p. 7 no. 1
  • {{cite web|title=Cloth with Border of Peacocks and Vegetation|url=false|author=|year=17th-18th century|access-date=08 February 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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