The Cleveland Museum of Art
Collection Online as of January 25, 2025
Overall: 1.4 cm (9/16 in.); Base: 1.5 x 1.5 cm (9/16 x 9/16 in.)
Location: not on view
Did You Know?
A large quantity of bronze seals excavated from tombs of the Goryeo dynasty is closely related to the development of metallurgy in 13th-century Korea that allowed the transition from wood type to movable metal type printing.Description
A large quantity of bronze seals were excavated from tombs of the Goryeo dynasty. This turtle-shaped seal bears two inscribed characters: 武貴, meaning "military highness." The red cinnabar paste is still visible, indicating it must have been used for signing various documents, while its owner was still alive.- ?–1917(Yamanaka and Company, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)1917–The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
- Choi, Eung-chon. “Craftsmen in Metal Arts in the Goryeo Dynasty [고려시대 金屬工藝의 匠人].” Misulsahak yeongu (2004): 171-192., Eung-chon. “Metal Arts in the Late Goryeo Period [고려후기의 금속공예].” Kangjwa misulsa (2004): 125-156. Dynasty: Korea's Age of Enlightenment, 918-1392. San Francisco: Asian Art Museum, 2003.The spirit of Goryeo in metalcrafts [금속공예에깃든고려인의삶]. Seoul: Jeju National Museum and National Cheongju Museum, 2011.Bronze in Life and Art [삶과 예술 속. 청동 靑銅 이야기] National Cheongju Museum (2016).Goryeo: The Glory of Korea [대고려, 그 찬란한 도전]. Seoul: National Museum of Korea, 2018.Ch'a, Mi-rae, Kwi-suk An, Cleveland Museum of Art, and 국외소재문화재재단. The Korean Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Edited by An Min-hŭi. First edition, English ed. Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Series, 16. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation, 2021. Mentioned and reproduced: p. 115, no. 77
- {{cite web|title=Seal|url=false|author=|year=1100s|access-date=25 January 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}
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