The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of September 27, 2024

Fragment of a furnishing textile (one of five)

Fragment of a furnishing textile (one of five)

Location: not on view
  • Paydar, Niloo Imami, and Ivo Grammet. The Fabric of Moroccan Life. Indianapolis, Ind: Indianapolis Museum of Art, 2002. p. 92-95
    Gillow, John. African Textiles: Colour and Creativity Across a Continent. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003. p. 140-141
    Denamur, Isabelle, Pierre Ferbos, and Louise Rogers Lalaurie. Moroccan textile embroidery. Paris: Flammarion, 2003. p. 179, 185, 187-189
    Alaoui, Rachida. Florilège de la broderie marocaine. [Milan]: Skira, 2011. p. 51, 54, 56-57
    Voigt, Markus. "Azemmour embroidered hanging." Hali. issue 201, Autumn 2019. p. 46-7
  • {{cite web|title=Fragment of a furnishing textile (one of five)|url=false|author=|year=1700s–1800s|access-date=27 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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