The Cleveland Museum of Art
Collection Online as of February 15, 2025

Wavy-Lined Jar
4000–3000 BCE
(5000–2950 BCE), Naqada III (3200–3000 BCE)
Diameter: 10.1 cm (4 in.); Diameter of mouth: 7.5 cm (2 15/16 in.); Overall: 26.8 cm (10 9/16 in.)
Location: 107 Egyptian
Tall slender jars decorated with a wavy line in relief occur toward the end of the Predynastic Period. The netlike motif imitates the kind of rope sling or cradle that was used to carry this type of jar without handles.- Purchased from Mohammed Mohasseb, Luxor, through Howard Carter
- Finkenstaedt, Elizabeth. "Prehistoric Egyptian Pottery." The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 75, no. 3 (1988). p. 83 www.jstor.orgBerman, Lawrence M., and Kenneth J. Bohač. Catalogue of Egyptian Art: The Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1999 Reproduced: p. 113; Mentioned: p. 113
- Exhibition of the Month: Egypt. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (October 3-December 28, 1952).
- {{cite web|title=Wavy-Lined Jar|url=false|author=|year=4000–3000 BCE|access-date=15 February 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}
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