The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of December 7, 2024

Dubia Fortuna (reverse)

Dubia Fortuna (reverse)

16th century
(Italian, c. 1460–1528)
Diameter: 3.7 cm (1 7/16 in.)


The inscription DUBIA FORTUNA is generally translated as"doubtful fortune," and speaks to the vagaries of war.
  • Cyril Humphris, London.
  • Beltramini, Guido, and Davide Gasparotto. Aldo Manuzio: il Rinascimento di Venezia. Venezia: Marsilio,2016. Reproduced: P. 151, fig. 8
    Szepe, Helena K. "L'Hypnerotomachia Polophili, l'avventura tra sogno ed erotismo stampata da Aldo Manuzio." In Aldo Manuzio: il Rinascimento di Venezia. Guido Beltramini, Davide Gasparotto, and Giulio Manieri Elia, 137-155. Venezia: Marsilio, 2016. Reproduced: P. 151, fig. 9
  • Antiquity in the Renaissance. Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA (organizer) (April 6-June 6, 1978).
  • {{cite web|title=Dubia Fortuna (reverse)|url=false|author=Antico|year=16th century|access-date=07 December 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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