The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of September 19, 2024

Bamboo, Rock, and Tall Tree

Bamboo, Rock, and Tall Tree

c. 1300s
(Chinese, 1301–1374)
Image: 67.3 x 36.8 cm (26 1/2 x 14 1/2 in.); Overall with knobs: 231.4 x 64.2 cm (91 1/8 x 25 1/4 in.)
Location: not on view
  • second half of the 1600s
    Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 [1620–1691]
    Gu Wenbin 顧文彬 [1811-1889]
    (C. C. Wang 王季遷 [1907–2003], New York, NY, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)
    The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
  • Zhang, Chou 張丑. Qing he shu hua fang: 12 juan [清河書畫舫: 12卷 = The Qinghe boat-studio of painting and calligraphy: catalogue of works known to the author]. [China]: [publisher not identified], 1875. Preface dated 1616. Vol. I, 6a
    Sirén, Osvald. Chinese Painting: Leading Masters and Principles. New York: Ronald Press, 1956. VII, Lists, 128
    Goepper, Roger. Im Schatten des Wu-Tʻung-Baumes [桐陰畫訣 = Tong yin hua jue]. München: Hirmer, 1959. Reproduced: pl. 8 & 9
    Goepper, Roger. 1000 Jahre chinesische Malerei. München: Haus der Kunst, 1959. Reproduced: cat. no. 29
    Lee, Sherman E. Chinese Landscape Painting. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1962. p. 50, no. 34
    Goepper, Roger. The Essence of Chinese Painting. London: Lund Humphries, 1963. Mentioned and Reproduced: pls. 48-50
    Lee, Sherman E., and Wai-kam Ho. Chinese Art Under the Mongols: The Yüan Dynasty, 1279-1368. [Cleveland]: Cleveland Museum of Art; [distributed by the Press of Case Western Reserve University], 1968. Reproduced: cat. no. 254
    Barnhart, Richard M. Wintry Forests, Old Trees: Some Landscape Themes in Chinese Painting. New York, NY: China House Gallery, China Institute in America, 1972. cat. no. 11
    Ishikawa, Jun 石川淳, Yoshitaka Iriya 入矢義高, Yūjirō Nakata 中田勇次郎, and Hironobu Kohara 古原宏伸. Kō Kōbō, Gei San, Ō Mō, Go Chin [黄公望, 倪瓚, 王蒙, 呉鎮]. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1979. Mentioned and Reproduced: pp. 154, 165, pl. 24
    Ho, Wai-kam, Sherman E. Lee, Laurence Sickman, and Marc F. Wilson. Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting: The Collections of the Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, and the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art, in cooperation with Indiana University Press, 1980. Reproduced: cat. no. 110, pp. 135-136
    Lee, Sherman E., and Wai-kam Ho. The Nature and Significance of the Collection of Liang Ch'ing-Piao. Taipei, Taiwan: Chung-hua ming-kuo, 1981. Mentioned: pp. 137-138, no. 189
    Lee, Sherman E., and Wai-kam Ho. The Nature and Significance of the Collection of Liang Ch'ing-Piao. Taipei, Taiwan: Chung-hua ming-kuo, 1981. Reproduced: pp. 137-138, no. 189
    Yang, Kathleen 楊凱琳, and Chi-chʻien Wang 王季遷. Through a Chinese connoisseur's eye: private notes of C.C. Wang 王季遷讀書筆記. Beijing: Zhong hua shu ju, 2010. Mentioned and Reproduced: p. 309, no. 25
    Shanghai bo wu guan. Han mo hui cui: xi du Meiguo cang Zhongguo Wu dai Song Yuan shu hua zhen pin [翰墨薈萃: 细读美国藏中国五代宋元书画珍品 = Masterpieces of early Chinese painting and calligraphy in American collections]. Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2012. Reproduced: cat no. 10, pp. 145-146
    Giuffrida, Noelle. Separating Sheep from Goats: Sherman E. Lee and Chinese Art Collecting in Postwar America. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2018. Reproduced: p. 133, fig. 77; Mentioned: pp. 133, 212
  • Masterpieces of Early Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in American Collections. Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, China (organizer) (November 1, 2012-January 3, 2013).
    Main Asian Rotation (Gallery 119). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (July 16-October 28, 2003).
    The Artist as Collector: Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the C.C. Wang Family Collection. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY (organizer) (September 3, 1999-January 9, 2000).
    Asian Autumn: New Objects/New Insights: Cleveland's Recent Chinese Acquisitions. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (October 18-December 31, 1994).
    Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (November 7, 1980-January 4, 1981); The Cleveland Museum of Art (February 11-March 29, 1981); Tokyo National Museum (October 4-November 17, 1982).
    Chinese Paintings: Themes and Techniques. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (February 7-April 5, 1981).
    Year in Review: 1978. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (February 13-March 18, 1979).
    Wintry forests, old trees: some landscape themes in Chinese painting. China House Gallery, New York, NY (October 26, 1972-January 28, 1973).
    Chinese Art Under the Mongols: The Yüan Dynasty, 1279-1368. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (October 1-November 24, 1968)
    1000 Jahre Chinesische Malerei. Haus der Kunst, Munich, Mùnich, Germany (organizer) (October 16-December 13, 1959).
  • {{cite web|title=Bamboo, Rock, and Tall Tree|url=false|author=Ni Zan|year=c. 1300s|access-date=19 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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