The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of February 14, 2025

Prater Landscape

Prater Landscape

c. 1831
(Austrian, 1793–1865)
Framed: 37.5 x 43.5 x 5.5 cm (14 3/4 x 17 1/8 x 2 3/16 in.); Unframed: 25 x 31 cm (9 13/16 x 12 3/16 in.)
Location: not on view

Did You Know?

Waldmüller, best remembered as one of the most important Austrian landscape painters, financed his early training by painting candy pictures and portrait miniatures, teaching children, and designing theater sets.


In this depiction of the Prater, a large public garden in Vienna, Austria, a man sits beside a tree in the left foreground. Brilliant sunlight floods into the park illuminating a multitude of trees, their leaves rendered with fine detail. Although celebrated for his portraits, Waldmüller also produced closely observed landscapes and often visited the Prater to paint the majestic oak trees. He was forced to retire from his position as a professor at the Vienna Academy for rejecting doctrines of idealized, moralizing art in favor of truth to nature based on direct observation.
  • 1865?
    Herr von Beer
    (Kunsthandlung Arnot, Vienna)
    By 1930
    Private collection, Vienna
    Until 1937
    Fritz Nathan, sold to Dr. Tobler
    Dr. Tobler
    By 1943 - by 1945
    Baron Robert von Hirsch [1883-1977], Basel, sold to Dr. Fritz Nathan
    By 1945
    Dr. Fritz Nathan, St. Gallen, sold to a Swiss private collector
    By 1957
    Private collection, Zurich
    Until 1983
    (Galerie Nathan, Zürich, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)
    The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
    Provenance Footnotes
    1 Rupert Feuchtmüller’s Waldmüller catalogue raisonné is the only known source for the inclusion in the provenance of Herr von Beer, about whom further details are unknown.  The source for his ownership of the Waldmüller in 1865 is also unknown.  It is also possible that “Herr von Beer” should in fact be “Herr von Behr,” as there are very few references to anyone by the name of “Herr von Beer.”  An obscure reference to one Herr von Beer during the years 1870-74 appears in the 1906 Memoirs of Prince Chlowig of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst, vol. 2, p. 58: “When the Bavarians marched past with the other picked troops, my neighbor, Herr von Beer, was so moved that he thanked me heartily for my share in the arrangement.”  A perhaps more relevant reference is in Francis Turner Palgrave’s Official Catalogue of the Fine Art Department, which accompanied the International Exhibition in London of 1862, which lists among the architectural designs of “E. Knoblauch,” a Prussian architect (possibly Carl Heinrich Eduard Knoblauch), the “Residence of Herr von Behr, Wilhelmsplatz, Berlin” (p. 182). 
    2 Künstlerbund Hagen. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller: Jänner-März 1930, in den Räumen des Hagenbundes. [Wien]: [Kunstlerbund Hagen], 1930.
    3 According to Johannes Nathan, Fritz Nathan was frequently in Vienna in the 1930s and may very well have purchased the painting there prior to 1937.
    4 The archives of Galerie Nathan show that they sold the painting to one Dr. Tobler in 1937. Johannes Nathan suggested that Fritz Nathan may have sold the painting to Robert von Hirsch on behalf of Dr. Tobler, although their records, which are incomplete, do not provide confirmation one way or the other.  "Dr. Tobler" is handwritten on the "Sammlung Robert von Hirsch, Basel" label on the back of the painting.
    5 German industrialist von Hirsch lent the Waldmüller to an exhibition of nineteenth-century artworks at the Basel Kunsthalle in 1943. 
    6 Peter Nathan recalled that his father, dealer Fritz Nathan, had purchased the painting from von Hirsch during the war. 
    7 A 1953 Waldmüller exhibition at the Salzburg Residenz and Bruno Grimschitz’s 1957 Waldmüller monograph both give the painting's current owner as a Zurich private collector, likely the Swiss collector to whom Fritz Nathan had sold it previously. 
  • Feuchtmüller, Rupert. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865: Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien: C. Brandstätter, 1996.
    Feuchtmüller, Rupert. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865: Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien: C. Brandstätter, 1996.
    Künstlerbund Hagen. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller: Jänner-März 1930, in den Räumen des Hagenbundes. [Wien]: [Kunstlerbund Hagen], 1930.
    Johannes Nathan, email to Victoria Sears Goldman, Feb. 24, 2015, in CMA curatorial file.
    Johannes Nathan, email to Victoria Sears Goldman, Feb. 26, 2015, in CMA curatorial file.
    Johannes Nathan, email to Victoria Sears Goldman, Feb. 24, 2015, in CMA curatorial file.
    Tania Lehmann, email to Victoria Sears Goldman, Feb. 18, 2015, in CMA curatorial file.
    Feuchtmüller, Rupert. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865: Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien: C. Brandstätter, 1996.
    Galerie Nathan, invoice, Nov. 30, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Sören Schmeling, email to Victoria Sears Goldman, March 29, 2016, in CMA curatorial file.
    Feuchtmüller, Rupert. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865: Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien: C. Brandstätter, 1996.
    Peter Nathan, letter to Sherman Lee, May 27, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Galerie Nathan, invoice, Nov. 30, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Feuchtmüller, Rupert. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865: Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien: C. Brandstätter, 1996.
    Grimschitz, Bruno. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller. Salzburg: Galerie Welz, 1957.
    Peter Nathan, letter to Sherman Lee, May 27, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Galerie Nathan, invoice, Nov. 30, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, 1793-1865. [Katalog zur Gedächtnis-Ausstellung Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Salzburg, Residenz, 15. Juni bis 15. September 1953. Salzburg: Galerie Welz, 1953.
    Galerie Nathan, invoice, Nov. 30, 1983, in CMA curatorial file.
    Grimschitz, Bruno. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller. Salzburg, Austria: Galerie Welz, 1957. Reproduced: pl. 5
    Lurie, Ann Tzeutschler. “Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller in the Cleveland Museum of Art: Portrait of Crescentia, Countess Zichy (later Countess Széchenyi) with a Parrot and a Camellia in a Mountainous Landscape.” The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 81, no. 1 (1994): 3-17. Mentioned: p. 3, 15
    Lurie, Ann Tzeutschler. “Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller in the Cleveland Museum of Art: Prater Landscape.” The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 81, no. 1 (1994): 18-23. Reproduced: p. 18, 21; Mentioned: p. 18-23
    Argencourt, Louise d', and Roger Diederen. Catalogue of Paintings. Pt. 4. European Paintings of the 19th Century. Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1974. Mentioned and reproduced: P. 639-640, Vol. II, no. 224
    Robinson, William. “Nature Transformed.” Cleveland Art: Cleveland Museum of Art Members Magazine 61, no. 1 (Winter 2021): 27. Reproduced and Mentioned: P. 27.
  • Stories From Storage. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (February 7-May 16, 2021).
    The Year in Review for 1983. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (February 22-April 8, 1984).
    Vienna, Oesterreichischer Kunstverein. Katalog der Ausstellung von Kunstwerken des Malers und Professors der k. k. Akademie, Ferdinand G. Waldmüller. 169. Ausstellung (1865), no. 67.
    Winterthur, Kunstmuseum. Europäische Meister 1790-1910 (1955), no. 212, Praterbäume, Schweizer Privatbesitz.
    Salzburg, Residenz. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1793-1865 (1953), no. 36, Praterbäume (early 1830s), private collection, Switzerland.
    Basel, Kunsthalle. Kunstwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts aus Basler Privatbesitz (1943), no. 66, Praterlandschaft.
    Vienna, Hagenbund. Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (1930), no. 32, Praterbäume, Privatbesitz Wien (repr.).
  • {{cite web|title=Prater Landscape|url=false|author=Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller|year=c. 1831|access-date=14 February 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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