The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of May 14, 2024

Les Insectes Nocturnes

Les Insectes Nocturnes

Location: not on view


Buñuel’s sculptural tableau evokes his interests in the subconscious and the absurdity of life, which he explored with fellow artist friends and mentors including Alexander Calder, Orson Welles, and his own father, filmmaker Luis Buñuel. Les Insectes Nocturnes (the nocturnal insects) draws upon notions existentialism: the abstract insects placed upon the stage-like platform may represent human beings endlessly performing the banal routines of modern life.
  • Year in Review for 1984. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (April 3-May 5, 1985).
    "The Year in Review 1984," CMA (1985).
    CMA, July 11 - September 11, 1967: "Recent Acquisitions by Cleveland Collectors"
    "Juan Luis Bunuel," Willard Gallery, NY (Oct. 5 - 30, 1965).
  • {{cite web|title=Les Insectes Nocturnes|url=false|author=Juan Luis Buñuel|year=1965|access-date=14 May 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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