The Cleveland Museum of Art
Collection Online as of February 13, 2025

Beauty in a Boat on Sumida River
c. 1801–4
(Japanese, 1756–1829)
Overall: 191.8 x 53.3 cm (75 1/2 x 21 in.); Painting only: 95.3 x 33 cm (37 1/2 x 13 in.)
Location: not on view
The Sumida River was a popular refuge from the heat and humidity of the city during the summer. One can see the torii gate of Mimeguri Shrine just to the left of the woman's fan.- ? by 1923–?Takeoka Toyota 武岡豐太 [1864–1931], Kobe, Japan(Hosomi, Japan, sold to Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Smith)?–1985The Kelvin Smith Collection, Cleveland, OH, given by Mrs. Kelvin [Eleanor Armstrong] Smith [1899-1998] to the Cleveland Museum of Art1985–The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
- Kyōto Teishitsu Hakubutsukan 京都帝室博物館. Ukiyo-E Shūei: Tokubetsu Tenran 浮世繪聚英. Kyoto: Benridō, 1923. no. 48Okada Saburōsuke 岡田三郎助, Rinpū Sasagawa 笹川臨風, and Yoneame Iizuka 飯塚米雨,. Nihonga taisei 日本畫大成. Vol. 40 Nikuhitsu ukiyoe 肉筆浮世繪. Tōkyō: Tōhō Shoin 東方書院, 1931–34. Reproduced: pl. 133Kokka 國華, no. 689 (1949). Reproduced: pl. 6Brandt, Klaus Joachim. Hosoda Eishi (1756-1829), Der Japanische Maler Und Holzschnittmeister Und Seine Schüler. Stuttgart: K.J. Brandt, 1977. Mentioned and Reproduced: 246, no. 425, p. 168“Checklist of the Kelvin Smith Bequest.” The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 75, no. 7 (September 1988): 292–295. Mentioned: p. 294 www.jstor.orgJenkins, Donald. “Paintings of the Floating World.” The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 75, no. 7 (September 1988): 244–260, 262–278, 238. Mentioned and Reproduced: fig. 7, p. 254 and fig. 8, p. 255 www.jstor.orgSomeya Miho染谷美穂. “How Chōbunsai Eishi Used his ‘Chōbunsai Eishi ga’ Sosho Signatures and Seals on His Paintings: The Usage Periods and Intentions of His Signatures, Kao and Seals” [鳥文斎栄之の肉筆画における署名書体と印章について─花押、署名、印章の使用期間と、合作、狂歌合・俳諧集の挿絵等からみる草書体署名「鳥文斎栄之画」の使用意図]. Ukiyo-e Art 浮世絵芸術2021, no. 182, pp. 5–33, English abstract p. 87.
- Later Japanese Art Gallery Rotation (Gallery 113). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (August 25–December 2, 2003).Later Japanese Art Gallery Rotation (Gallery 113). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (February 20–May 6, 2003).A Private World: Japanese and Chinese Art from the Kelvin Smith Collection. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (September 14-November 13, 1988).Ukiyo-e Shuei [Collection of Ukiyo-e Painting]. Kyoto National Museum, Kyoto, Japan (1923).
- {{cite web|title=Beauty in a Boat on Sumida River|url=false|author=Chōbunsai Eishi|year=c. 1801–4|access-date=13 February 2025|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}
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