The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of September 16, 2024

Suite of Vases:  Plate 21

Suite of Vases: Plate 21

(French, 1717–1776)
Catalogue raisonné: Guilmard 8
Location: not on view


Designing ornamental vases or urns was particularly popular during the mid-18th century since the only limit to the possibilities was the imagination of the artist. Saly, a sculptor by training, was a student at the French Academy in Rome from 1740 to 1746, at which time he published a set of 30 etchings. Saly began with basic antique vase forms but deviated from classical ornament to use a rich variety of fantastic creatures for embellishment.
  • {{cite web|title=Suite of Vases: Plate 21|url=false|author=Jacques François Saly|year=1746|access-date=16 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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