The Cleveland Museum of Art
Collection Online as of September 19, 2024
Breaking Through the Siege at Hesui: from Battle Scenes of the Quelling of Rebellions in the Western Regions, with imperial Poems
c. 1765–74; poem dated 1759
Location: not on view
This set of etchings was commissioned by Emperor Qianlong to record in pictorial terms the courage of his generals and soldiers in quelling the rebellions in the Western Regions. Qianlong added his own poem to each of the etchings, indicating his appreciation and pride in this demonstration of military might. "Western Regions" refers to the present-day Xingjiang province, often described in Western writing as "Central Asia."- {{cite web|title=Breaking Through the Siege at Hesui: from Battle Scenes of the Quelling of Rebellions in the Western Regions, with imperial Poems|url=false|author=Giuseppe Castiglione|year=c. 1765–74; poem dated 1759|access-date=19 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}
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