The Cleveland Museum of Art
Collection Online as of September 9, 2024
Racine d’orge (coupe)
(French, 1879–1962)
Image: 27.4 x 21.4 cm (10 13/16 x 8 7/16 in.); Paper: 42.5 x 36 cm (16 3/4 x 14 3/16 in.)
Dudley P. Allen Fund 2018.212.19
Location: not on view
Laure Albin Guillot was one of the first artists in France to explore the decorative use of photography by blending art and science. Married to a specialist in microscopy, she began making photographs based on her husband's slides seen through the microscope. She published 20 of these abstract images as this artist’s book and later used related images on wallpaper, silk, and book bindings intended for luxurious interiors. These seemingly abstract designs are greatly magnified images of natural specimens, including cross sections of rhinoceros horn.- Collection of Thérèse Bonney, Paris, FranceChloé et Denis Ozanne Rare Books, Paris, FranceSeptember 4, 2018the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
- Christian Bouqueret, Laure Albin Guillot ou La Volonté d’Art, Paris: Marval, 1996.Jeu de Paume, Laure Albin Guillot, 1879-1962: l’enjeu classique, Paris: Editions de La Martinière, 2013.
- {{cite web|title=Racine d’orge (coupe)|url=false|author=Laure Albin Guillot|year=1931|access-date=09 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}
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