The Cleveland Museum of Art

Collection Online as of September 10, 2024

Theatre Scene (recto)

Theatre Scene (recto)

c. 1765–75
Location: not on view

Did You Know?

Because of Gabriel de Saint-Aubin’s focus on social events and contemporary culture, his drawings are considered important records of eighteenth-century Parisian life.


Gabriel de Saint-Aubin was known for his distinctively sketchy style and interest in depicting performances such as dance and theater, the subjects seen here. The artist developed a distinctive composite style of sketching, and this work exemplifies his practice of covering both sides of a sheet of paper with diverse images in varying media.
  • ?-1954
    N. Konstantinoff, Paris, France
    Dr. Werteimer, Switzerland
    (Charles E. Slatkin Galleries, New York, NY)
    Curtis O. Baer [1898-1976], New Rochelle, NY
    (Shepherd Galleries, New York, NY)
    Muriel Butkin [1916-2008], Shaker Heights, OH
    December 2, 2019
    The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
  • Musée des arts décoratifs (France), and International Confederation of Dealers in Works of Art. Chefs-d'œuvre de la curiosité du monde: 2e exposition internationale de la C.I.N.O.A., 10 juin-30 septembre 1954. [Paris]: [Les Presses Artistiques], 1954. pl. 42
    Slatkin, Charles E. Exhibition of Drawings by Old and Modern Masters. New York: Charles E. Slatkin, 1956. pl. XIX
    Charles E. Slatkin Galleries. French Master Drawings, Renaissance to Modern. A Loan Exhibition, February 10 Through March 7, 1959. 1959. p. 9, no. 46
    University of Minnesota, Lorenz Eitner, and Sidney Simon. The Eighteenth Century: One Hundred Drawings by One Hundred Artists, a Loan Exhibition, January 24 to March 7, 1961. Minneapolis: University Gallery, 1961. p. 30, no. 84
  • {{cite web|title=Theatre Scene (recto)|url=false|author=Gabriel de Saint-Aubin|year=c. 1765–75|access-date=10 September 2024|publisher=Cleveland Museum of Art}}

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