Artwork Page for Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

Details / Information for Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

1600s or 1700s
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

These larger-than-life earrings would hang on a deity statue in a Nepalese temple, rather than worn by a person.


A green Vishnu with four arms, each holding his attributes of discus (his upper right hand), mace (upper left), lotus (lower right), and conch (in pearl, lower left) rides on a coral Garuda with lapis wings, arms outstretched. The blue figures on either side are probably celestial beings praising him in dance postures, with one leg crossed over the other. On the back sides, delicate filigree floral scrolls form the backdrop of a protective mask popular in the Nepal; a sun over a crescent moon are inlaid above his head.
Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

1600s or 1700s

Nepal, Kathmandu Valley

See Also


Pair of Deity Earrings with Vishnu on Garuda (front) and chepu (monster mask) (back)

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