Artwork Page for Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Francis and Giovanni Gualberto

Details / Information for Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Francis and Giovanni Gualberto

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Francis and Giovanni Gualberto

c. 1510–20
(Italian, 1461–1521)
Overall: 174 x 96 x 27 cm (68 1/2 x 37 13/16 x 10 5/8 in.)
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

The unusual purple hue is particular to the artist.


The Madonna sits upon a throne with the Christ child standing on her knee. He is steadied by his mother, turning delicately to grasp her robe for support. On the left is Saint Francis, identified by his stigmata. On the right, Saint Giovanni Gualberto is identified by his monk's robe and distinctive processional cross. The brown robes of the saints, the purple of the Virgin's tunic, and the flesh tones of the figures contrast strongly against the bright blue background. In the semicircular sky behind the figures, three winged cherub heads emerge, representing a host of angels. Glazed terracotta is both durable and decorative and the gleaming white of this piece would have stood out in the darkness of a church. The medium was made popular by Renaissance artist Luca della Robbia and came into fashion as a substitute for expensive carved marble. A rounded arch frame embellished with fruit and flower garlands as well as egg-and-dart and cord moldings accompanied the work when it was acquired, but was later determined not to be original and removed. Buglioni's work bears the influence of the della Robbias, particularly in the simple color scheme. Buglioni likely worked in the studio of Luca's nephew, Andrea, where he would have learned the technique of glazing terracotta.
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Francis and Giovanni Gualberto

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Francis and Giovanni Gualberto

c. 1510–20

Benedetto Buglioni

(Italian, 1461–1521)
Italy, Florence, 16th century

See Also


How It Was Made

The Altarpiece

The Artist, Benedetto Buglioni

A Work of Renaissance Art

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