Portrait of a Woman, possibly Elizabeth Boothby

Framed: 93.5 x 78 x 5 cm (36 13/16 x 30 11/16 x 1 15/16 in.); Unframed: 65.7 x 56 cm (25 7/8 x 22 1/16 in.)
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Did You Know?

For this prominent merchant's daughter, sparkling jewels and expensive lace were proud evidence of wealth.


Research suggests that this portrait may depict Elizabeth Boothby (1590–1658), daughter of a prominent London merchant. The jewels in her hair, the silver thread and expensive lace adorning her silk gown, and even the faux marble oval surrounding her image are all signs of wealth and status. Although painted in England, this portrait reflects the traditions of Dutch portraiture, evidence of the fluid artistic exchange that existed between the two countries. Jonson was born in London, received his artistic training in Amsterdam, and spent the last 20 years of his career in the Dutch Republic.
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Elizabeth Boothby

Portrait of a Woman, possibly Elizabeth Boothby


Cornelis Jonson (called Jonson van Ceulen)

(British, 1593–1661)
England, 17th century

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