Artwork Page for Pilgrim’s Flask

Details / Information for Pilgrim’s Flask

Pilgrim’s Flask

c. 1099–1200
Location: 105 Byzantine
Public Domain
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After the Crusader conquest of the Holy Land in 1099, Jerusalem experienced a revival of Christian pilgrimage. During the 12th century, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was rebuilt, redecorated, and reconsecrated. With the influx of new pilgrims, especially from Western Europe, lead ampullae (small flasks) such as this very rare example were briefly reintroduced. The flask was cast with images of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Christ’s Descent into Limbo (Anastasis), establishing a visual connection with the holy sites of Christ’s death and entombment.
Pilgrim’s Flask

Pilgrim’s Flask

c. 1099–1200

Byzantium, Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Palestine, Byzantine, Crusader Period, late 11th-12th Century

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