Artwork Page for Mandala of the Four Deities of Mt. Kōya

Details / Information for Mandala of the Four Deities of Mt. Kōya

Mandala of the Four Deities of Mt. Kōya


Overall: 178.6 x 56.3 cm (70 5/16 x 22 3/16 in.); Painting only: 97.5 x 39.3 cm (38 3/8 x 15 1/2 in.)
Location: not on view
Public Domain
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The two kami, or deities, at the top of this painting are Kariba Myōjin and Niu Myōjin. They inhabit Mount Kōya and are described as son and mother. They are shown here as courtiers, with Kariba in Japanese-style court robes and Niu in robes modeled after court garments of the Tang dynasty. The two kami seated beneath are Kehi Myōjin, portrayed as a lady holding a whisk, and the youthful Miyajima Myōjin, with his hair drawn up in loops, playing a lute (biwa). Hōjō Masako (1157–1225), the wife of the first Kamakura shogun (leader) Minamoto Yoritomo (1147–1199), invited them to Mount Kōya.
Mandala of the Four Deities of Mt. Kōya

Mandala of the Four Deities of Mt. Kōya


Japan, Muromachi period (1392–1573)

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