Artwork Page for Akbar and Jahangir Examine a Ghir Falcon while Prince Khusrau Stands Behind

Details / Information for Akbar and Jahangir Examine a Ghir Falcon while Prince Khusrau Stands Behind

Akbar and Jahangir Examine a Ghir Falcon while Prince Khusrau Stands Behind

c. 1602–4
Location: not on view
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

Salim rests his hand on a sharply pointed dagger in a red velvet sheath.


Emperor Akbar sits against a purple bolster under a canopy looking aged and careworn, probably not long before his death. He examines a trained falcon of the type that the Mughals used in hunting. This falcon appears to be from Akbar’s son, Prince Salim, who stands before him in a gesture of gift-giving. A stately black antelope, a wild animal now a pet, harnessed and wearing a bell, crouches at the foot of the steps leading up to the canopied platform.
Akbar and Jahangir Examine a Ghir Falcon while Prince Khusrau Stands Behind

Akbar and Jahangir Examine a Ghir Falcon while Prince Khusrau Stands Behind

c. 1602–4

Mughal India

See Also

  • Department
    Indian and Southeast Asian Art
  • Credit line
    Credit line
    Gift In Honor of Madeline Neves Clapp; Gift of Mrs. Henry White Cannon by Exchange; Bequest of Louise T. Cooper; Leonard C. Hanna Jr. Fund; From the Catherine and Ralph Benkaim Collection

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