Fresh Prints: The Nineties to Now
- Special Exhibition
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation Gallery

Born (detail), 2002. Kiki Smith (American, b. 1954). Color lithograph; 172.9 x 142.5 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro 2004.34.
Featured Art
About The Exhibition
A selection of prints from the past 25 years, this exhibition showcases the printmaking techniques of a variety of contemporary artists. While some, including Julia Wachtel and Annette Lemieux, use printmaking to comment on contemporary political events, others, such as Lesley Dill and Louise Bourgeois, use the medium to express personal, feminist concerns. Traditional landscape themes interest Ellsworth Kelly and Rosemarie Trockel while Lucian Freud and Chuck Close prefer figurative subjects. Abstraction also remains important, exemplified by such artists as Terry Winters, Richard Serra, and Julie Mehretu.