Cleveland Art, July/August 2012

Tags for: Cleveland Art, July/August 2012
  • Member Magazine
Published: July 1, 2012

Articles in this issue: Youth and Beauty; Welcome Sonya; DIY Photobooks; Medieval Masterpieces; Urban Cultural Vision; The Art of Sport; Programs.

photograph in black and white of Gloria Swanson in bare arms wearing a fashionable hat with a pattern and a striped swimsuit by Nikolas Muray on the magazine cover

Medieval Masterpieces

Stephen N. Fliegel Curator of Medieval Art

Three Mourners from the Tomb of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy 1406–10. Claus de Werve Netherlandish, c. 1380–1439). Alabaster, h. 41 cm. Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund 1940.128 and Bequest of Leonard C. Hanna Jr. 1958.66–67


As a major step in the phas...

Cultural Visonary

Donald E. Simpson History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh

Frederic Allen Whiting The museum’s first director had an ambitious, comprehensive vision for a cultural center built around his new museum.

At the turn of the last century, monumental groupings of public buildings were create...

The Art of Sport

Bethany Corriveau Nord Fellow in Education


This summer, millions of people all over the world will cheer for the athletes in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. We will marvel at feats of strength and skill, root for our favorites, and watch proudly as our champions top the podium to take that...