Artwork Page for Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic

Details / Information for Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic

Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic

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Did You Know?

One band contains a nude female dancer playing finger cymbals while the other shows a shepherd carrying a crook and dressed in a skirt of animal skin.


This fragment shows human figures including dancers, a hunter, and shepherd under arches alternating with animals such as dogs, rabbits, and a lion. The orientation of the figures indicates that these vertical bands were once part of a tunic. The decorative bands would have descended from the shoulders. Since the mid-3rd century tunics were the main garments worn in Egypt which was then part of the Roman Empire.
Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic

Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic


Egypt, Byzantine period

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