Gallery Talk: Vienna, Paris, and New York in the Jazz Age
- Lecture

Muse with Violin Screen (detail), c. 1930. Rose Iron Works, Inc. (American, Cleveland, est. 1904). Paul Fehér (Hungarian, 1898–1990), designer. Wrought iron, brass; silver and gold plating; 156.2 x 156.2 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, On Loan from the Rose Iron Works Collections, LLC, 352.1996. © Rose Iron Works Collections, LLC.
About The Event
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 6:00 p.m.
Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Hall
A brilliant age for art and design, the 1920s saw talent and craftsmanship, urbanity and experimentation flow back and forth across the Atlantic. The interaction of American and European-trained designers greatly advanced the modern movement in the United States. Designers in Paris and Vienna were at the core of influential thought and practice. As one of the artistic centers of Europe, Paris was a leader in elegant fashion, jewelry, and interior design. Designers trained in Austria who later immigrated to the United States brought a new aesthetic to American decorative arts. Hear curator of decorative art and design Stephen Harrison discuss how designs from Paris and Vienna grew in visibility in New York and influenced American style in the 1920s within the first three galleries of the exhibition.