Illustration for "Budder Grange"

c. 1874–1928
(American, 1851–1928)
Image: 20 x 9.4 cm (7 7/8 x 3 11/16 in.); Sheet: 25.4 x 17 cm (10 x 6 11/16 in.)
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Frank R. Stockton’s novel Rudder Grange narrates the adventures of a family living on a canal boat. This vignette of a man in a tree depicts an episode from the book when a traveling salesman mistakenly gets frightened by the family dog. The illustration itself was printed on the left side of the page, emphasizing the whimsical nature of the design, as the man looks at nothing while the tree branches behind him nudge the lines of text to the side. Such text-image interaction was uncommon in traditional wood-engraved illustrations because it needed an irregular but precisely cut woodblock to accommodate the rows of text.
Illustration for "Budder Grange"

Illustration for "Budder Grange"

c. 1874–1928

Arthur Burdett Frost I

(American, 1851–1928)
America, 19th century

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