Artwork Page for The Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed: White Cape - Coast Lily

Details / Information for The Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed: White Cape - Coast Lily

The Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed: White Cape - Coast Lily

Location: not on view
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England was central to botanical concerns in the 18th century. For example, Kew Gardens was founded in 1721 and became a major institution for knowledge about plants from every continent. Interest in gardening led William Curtis to found the specialized magazine Botanical Magazine: or Flower Garden Displayed in 1787. Curtis aimed “to illustrate and describe the most ornamental flowering plants including information on their cultivation and illustrations drawn from living plants and colored as near to nature as the imperfection of color will admit.”
The Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed:  White Cape - Coast Lily

The Botanical Magazine or Flower Garden Displayed: White Cape - Coast Lily


Sydenham Edwards, Thomas Curtis

(British, 1768–1819), (British, 1846–1920)
England, 19th century

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