Mount Sainte-Victoire

c. 1904
(French, 1839–1906)
Framed: 87.5 x 106.5 x 7 cm (34 7/16 x 41 15/16 x 2 3/4 in.); Unframed: 72.2 x 92.4 cm (28 7/16 x 36 3/8 in.)
Location: not on view
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Did You Know?

Cezanne created 36 paintings and 45 watercolors of Mount Sainte-Victoire. He was preoccupied with this subject and painted this mountain repeatedly until his death.


During the last 20 years of his life, Cezanne repeatedly painted Mount Sainte-Victoire near his home in Aix-en-Provence in southern France. Cezanne painted this view from life at one of his favorite sites, a small road that led from Aix eastward toward Mount Sainte-Victoire. He set up his easel at the edge of the road where he could see two umbrella pines and the mountain towering over the scene. A branch of one of the pines extends from the left of the canvas across the sky, echoing the slope of the mountain, linking the near and the far.
Mount Sainte-Victoire

Mount Sainte-Victoire

c. 1904

Paul Cezanne

(French, 1839–1906)
France, late 19th-early 20th Century

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