Artwork Page for Statuette of a Black African Person

Details / Information for Statuette of a Black African Person

Statuette of a Black African Person

100–50 BCE
Location: 102C Greek
Public Domain
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The intentionally dark patina contrasts with the inlaid silver eyes and copper lips.


Characterized as a Black African person by his hair, facial features, and unusually dark patina, this figure wears a non-Greek type of hat and a simple garment associated with lower classes. His stooped posture suggests that he may have a physical disability, something rarely depicted in Greek art. His right foot and right hand (with bowl) are modern restorations done before the statuette came to Cleveland, perhaps in the 1800s.
Statuette of a Black African Person

Statuette of a Black African Person

100–50 BCE

Greece, Greco-Roman Period, late Ptolemaic Dynasty

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