Jatayu approaches Rama and Lakshmana who are wondering where Sita could be, folio 18 (verso) from a Chandana Malayagiri Varta (Story of King Chandana and Queen Malayagiri) of Karamachand

Image: 14.9 x 14.8 cm (5 7/8 x 5 13/16 in.); Page: 28.8 x 20 cm (11 5/16 x 7 7/8 in.)
Location: not on view
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The folio number 18 is written in black in the lower right corner.


Rama sits in front of the empty hut, while his brother Lakshmana tries to reassure him. The giant vulture Jatayu limps over a hill in the distance, still weighed down by the stones he swallowed. He approaches to tell Rama and Lakshmana that the demon Ravana abducted Sita.
Jatayu approaches Rama and Lakshmana who are wondering where Sita could be, folio 18 (verso) from a Chandana Malayagiri Varta (Story of King Chandana and Queen Malayagiri) of Karamachand

Jatayu approaches Rama and Lakshmana who are wondering where Sita could be, folio 18 (verso) from a Chandana Malayagiri Varta (Story of King Chandana and Queen Malayagiri) of Karamachand


Northwestern India, Rajasthan, Rajput Kingdom of Kishangarh

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