Artwork Page for Batō (Horse-Headed) Kannon

Details / Information for Batō (Horse-Headed) Kannon

Batō (Horse-Headed) Kannon


early 1300s
Overall: 110.6 cm (43 9/16 in.); Base: 28 cm (11 in.); Figure: 82.6 cm (32 1/2 in.)
Location: 235B Japanese
Public Domain
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Batō Kannon, or Hayagriva Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, is the “horse-headed” form of the bodhisattva of compassion, who presides over the realm of animals in the Buddhist Six Realms of Transmigration. A horse’s head appears in the hair of this sculpture to identify it. Bodhisattvas are beings who, though enlightened, choose to remain within the worlds of existence to help others. The six realms are heaven, hell, human, animal, hungry ghost, and ashura, or fierce supernatural entities.
Batō (Horse-Headed) Kannon

Batō (Horse-Headed) Kannon

early 1300s

Japan, Kamakura period (1185–1333)

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