Artwork Page for Snuff Tablet

Details / Information for Snuff Tablet

Snuff Tablet

1–650 CE
Overall: 12.4 x 3 x 1.1 cm (4 7/8 x 1 3/16 x 7/16 in.)
Location: 232 Andean
Public Domain
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Both of these objects feature a creature known as the "Recuay feline," although it could also refer to a fox, dog, or viscacha (a rodent). Whatever its identity, the prominent crest on its head ties it to the supernatural realm, a connection underlined by the deity head that also appears on the dipper and by the ritual function of snuff tablets, which were used to inhale hallucinogenic snuffs during religious ceremonies.
Snuff Tablet

Snuff Tablet

1–650 CE

Peru, North Highlands, Recuay style

See Also

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