Portfolio of Ten Dye Transfer Photographs

Football Kick

(American, 1903–1990)
Image: 42.5 x 35.7 cm (16 3/4 x 14 1/16 in.); Paper: 50.6 x 40.5 cm (19 15/16 x 15 15/16 in.)
Impression: 74
Location: not on view
This artwork is known to be under copyright.

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Did You Know?

This was one of the first color photographs taken using a strobe.


In 1931, electrical engineer Harold Edgerton invented the stroboscope or strobe, a flash that produces split-second bursts of light. It allows photographs to freeze objects in motion and show phenomenon not visible to the unaided eye. It undoubtedly took many tries to create this image. He made it in his lab at MIT, which would have been in total darkness before the flash went off, making it impossible for the kicker to see the ball.
Football Kick

Football Kick


Harold Eugene Edgerton, Palm Press, Inc.

(American, 1903–1990)
America, 20th century

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