His Highness Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior

(Indian, 1844–1905)
Image: 25.5 x 18.4 cm (10 1/16 x 7 1/4 in.); Paper: 25.5 x 18.4 cm (10 1/16 x 7 1/4 in.)
Location: not on view
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Ten-year-old Madho Rao Scindia, the Maharaja of Gwalior (1876–1925; reigned 1886–1925), inherited the throne one year before this photograph was taken. Acceptance of both Indian and British cultural influences can be seen in the contrast of his garb, which is Indian from turban to shoe, with the Western-style furniture, clock, and books. Reflected in the glass balls on the table, which may be an inkwell or perfume jar, are the other people in the room during the shot. The person on the left in the top ball may be the photographer, Lala Deen Dayal.
His Highness Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior

His Highness Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior


Raja Deen Dayal

(Indian, 1844–1905)

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