Untitled (Happy Valley Cemetery, Hong Kong)

(British, 1834–c. 1900)
Image: 20.2 x 27.4 cm (7 15/16 x 10 13/16 in.); Paper: 20.2 x 27.4 cm (7 15/16 x 10 13/16 in.); Mounted: 25.5 x 33.3 cm (10 1/16 x 13 1/8 in.)
Location: not on view
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Did You Know?

Floyd left his home in Cornwall, England, at age 17 to become a “boy” on a commercial sailing ship in 1851.


By 1865, Floyd had abandoned the merchant marine and become an assistant in a photographic studio in Shanghai. After briefly operating his own studio in Macau in 1866, he moved it to Hong Kong, which was a larger and busier port. For almost a decade, his was the most successful photographic studio in the Far East. In 1875, he closed that studio and moved to the Philippines.
Untitled (Happy Valley Cemetery, Hong Kong)

Untitled (Happy Valley Cemetery, Hong Kong)


William Pryor Floyd

(British, 1834–c. 1900)
England, 19th century

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