American Monuments

Matthew Fontaine, Maury Monument, Richmond, Virginia

(American, b. 1982)
Image: 45.7 x 34.3 cm (18 x 13 1/2 in.); Paper: 50.9 x 40.7 cm (20 1/16 x 16 in.)
Edition: edition 2/15
Location: not on view
This artwork is known to be under copyright.

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Did You Know?

Protests spurred by the death of George Floyd led to the removal of a number of monuments honoring the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia, in 2020.


The memorials, which lined Richmond’s Monument Avenue, became a focus of protests against White suprematism and police violence against Blacks. National Geographic commissioned Kris Graves to photograph these artworks, which were the center of debates about who and what ought to be memorialized. This monument honored oceanographer and Confederate States Navy officer Matthew Fontaine Maury, sometimes called the Father of Modern Oceanography and Naval Meteorology.
Matthew Fontaine, Maury Monument, Richmond, Virginia

Matthew Fontaine, Maury Monument, Richmond, Virginia


Kris Graves

(American, b. 1982)

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